Friday 14 August 2015

The Soldiers and the Statesmen


1. My dear veterans of India. I empathies with you for your struggle for One Rank One Pension (OROP). I view it as a first step towards the Same Grade Same Pension (SGSP}. The people of this country has been taken for the ride by the so called bureaucrats of India, personified by likes of Shri Manmohan Singh who very faithfully implemented the dictates of IMF, World Bank and the Western Economic Thought.
2. It has been vigorously practiced that single digit inflation is good for developing countries. It meant that inflation upto 9% is good for the growth of developing countries. However, this was a good façade to siphon off India's wealth to foreign banks through the generation of black money.
3. 9% inflation in India mean 18% inflation because in India the inflation is calculated on wholesale price Index and not on consumer price index as there is no system of monitoring the consumer prices. It is free for all as to how much a vendor charges.
4. The method to generate the surplus wealth is through devaluation of currency since it does not have gold equivalent of the fiat money. This surplus wealth theoretically should have been used to develop the Infrastructure but it found its way to likes of Swiss banks thus depriving and cheating each and every citizen of the country.
5. All this has happened because there wasn't an honest and moral system in place to protect the interest of the citizens and in the bargain all citizens have lost their hard earned money to inflation and foreign Banks.
6. My appeal to Veterans is that you have protected this country from all calamities. The time has come to save the citizen from this loot through inflation and black money market. If you do not enter the political arena and protect the citizens from this loot, you will be counted as party who aided and abetted this loot.
7. The nation is looking towards you with great expectation that Veterans form up and lead this nation out of political morass. Thus join hands and form into political party and defeat these established players in their own games.
8. When I am writing this post the news of UFESM Pandal is being vandalized at Jantar Mantar is trickling in. We have to take such incidents into consideration. It is time we take decision to be political after we have hung our boots.
Bharatvarsh Ki Jai.

Balbir Singh Parmar

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