Thursday 20 August 2015

Do We have Democracy in India?


1. Do we have Democracy in India. I don't think so. At best we have a drama called democracy. First and foremost, let us take the case of OROP for veteran community. Supreme court of India decided in Veterans favour that they must be given OROP. The so called government did not implement it. I call it so called that in a republic, the government must include Legislature, executive and judici...ary whereas in India we call executive branch as government basically because we took a leaf out of British Monarchy.
2. The parliamentary committee approved the OROP for Veterans in 2011 and same has been echoed by all political parties and both houses of Parliament. In executive all ministers including Prime Minister agrees for OROP. Then why it is not implemented. They say bureaucracy is not agreeing. Good joke. The Supreme Court, The Parliament and the so called Government is being over ruled by bureaucracy. This raises many pertinent questions. Do we have democracy in India? The answer is NO.
3. The laws are supposed to be made in parliament but who makes the laws in actual. It is the executive ministries who are framing laws at section officer level. It is copy paste exercise going on. A particular law is picked up from west and few cuts here and there and put up the draft to respective secretaries, who in turn brief the minister and the draft is put up for approval in cabinet committee. Our ministers being as novice as their electorate rely heavily on their secretaries and OSD/personal secretaries for advise and help.
4. Once through in Cabinet meeting, the bill is brought to either house of parliament to turn it into Act. And in 15 minutes time 7 bills are passed. Members of parliament don't even want to read the legislatio.
5. Friends, this the bane of parliamentary democracy or parliamentary majoritarianism. A member which has been elected by 30% voters whereas 70% voters have lost the elections due to so called ultra libral democracy.
6. MORAL OF THE STORY. India does lack democracy. It just has bureaucracy ruling in the name of democracy.
7. Solution. The only solution to present Mess is the Presidential democracy. Therefore do join/support SAINIK SAMAJ PARTY for better governance.

Balbir Singh Parmar

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