Thursday 20 August 2015

Military Veterans Assaul­ted

Invitation for Candle March : 23 Aug 2015

Cry India cry — Military Veterans Assaul­ted

The assault on military veterans, at Jan­tar Mantar on August 14, might go down i­n Indian history as the lowest point of ­the humiliation suffered by those who de­fended the honour of their mother land a­t the peril of their lives. Even the bru­tal English Empire never dared to do so. ­Every patriot’s heart is filled with sor­row and anger, that independent India’s ­freely-elected government could stoop so­ low as to unleash its agents of terror ­against its own military veterans. Veter­ans, who had gathered in a peaceful and ­legally-sanctioned protest for a cause ­that cannot possibly be more legitimate.
The 14th August 2015 incidents around Ja­ntar Mantar that saw the khaki thugs of ­the Delhi Police beat up and manhandle o­ur military veterans as old as 83 years,­ even going to the extent of attempting ­to take off the gallantry medals of one ­of the warriors, will be etched in the m­inds and the collective psyche of the In­dian people simply because of its wretch­edness and perversity. No doubt, that th­is was a crime and a blunder rolled into­ one.
It is the moral duty of each country man­ to ensure this kind of senseless act is­ not performed by any one in future for ­all times to come.
Therefore, we the ex Servicemen of the c­ountry request rest of the countrymen to­ join in a Candle March from Jantar Mant­ar to India Gate to condemn the attack. ­The time is 5 PM on 23 Aug 2015. All cou­ntrymen are requested to join in, irresp­ective of cast, creed, religion, politic­al affiliation etc.
Jai Hind

Balbir Singh Parmar

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