Thursday, 20 August 2015

Do We have Democracy in India?


1. Do we have Democracy in India. I don't think so. At best we have a drama called democracy. First and foremost, let us take the case of OROP for veteran community. Supreme court of India decided in Veterans favour that they must be given OROP. The so called government did not implement it. I call it so called that in a republic, the government must include Legislature, executive and judici...ary whereas in India we call executive branch as government basically because we took a leaf out of British Monarchy.
2. The parliamentary committee approved the OROP for Veterans in 2011 and same has been echoed by all political parties and both houses of Parliament. In executive all ministers including Prime Minister agrees for OROP. Then why it is not implemented. They say bureaucracy is not agreeing. Good joke. The Supreme Court, The Parliament and the so called Government is being over ruled by bureaucracy. This raises many pertinent questions. Do we have democracy in India? The answer is NO.
3. The laws are supposed to be made in parliament but who makes the laws in actual. It is the executive ministries who are framing laws at section officer level. It is copy paste exercise going on. A particular law is picked up from west and few cuts here and there and put up the draft to respective secretaries, who in turn brief the minister and the draft is put up for approval in cabinet committee. Our ministers being as novice as their electorate rely heavily on their secretaries and OSD/personal secretaries for advise and help.
4. Once through in Cabinet meeting, the bill is brought to either house of parliament to turn it into Act. And in 15 minutes time 7 bills are passed. Members of parliament don't even want to read the legislatio.
5. Friends, this the bane of parliamentary democracy or parliamentary majoritarianism. A member which has been elected by 30% voters whereas 70% voters have lost the elections due to so called ultra libral democracy.
6. MORAL OF THE STORY. India does lack democracy. It just has bureaucracy ruling in the name of democracy.
7. Solution. The only solution to present Mess is the Presidential democracy. Therefore do join/support SAINIK SAMAJ PARTY for better governance.

Balbir Singh Parmar

Military Veterans Assaul­ted

Invitation for Candle March : 23 Aug 2015

Cry India cry — Military Veterans Assaul­ted

The assault on military veterans, at Jan­tar Mantar on August 14, might go down i­n Indian history as the lowest point of ­the humiliation suffered by those who de­fended the honour of their mother land a­t the peril of their lives. Even the bru­tal English Empire never dared to do so. ­Every patriot’s heart is filled with sor­row and anger, that independent India’s ­freely-elected government could stoop so­ low as to unleash its agents of terror ­against its own military veterans. Veter­ans, who had gathered in a peaceful and ­legally-sanctioned protest for a cause ­that cannot possibly be more legitimate.
The 14th August 2015 incidents around Ja­ntar Mantar that saw the khaki thugs of ­the Delhi Police beat up and manhandle o­ur military veterans as old as 83 years,­ even going to the extent of attempting ­to take off the gallantry medals of one ­of the warriors, will be etched in the m­inds and the collective psyche of the In­dian people simply because of its wretch­edness and perversity. No doubt, that th­is was a crime and a blunder rolled into­ one.
It is the moral duty of each country man­ to ensure this kind of senseless act is­ not performed by any one in future for ­all times to come.
Therefore, we the ex Servicemen of the c­ountry request rest of the countrymen to­ join in a Candle March from Jantar Mant­ar to India Gate to condemn the attack. ­The time is 5 PM on 23 Aug 2015. All cou­ntrymen are requested to join in, irresp­ective of cast, creed, religion, politic­al affiliation etc.
Jai Hind

Balbir Singh Parmar

Wednesday, 19 August 2015



1. The students of FTII (Film and Television Institute of India, Pune) are on strike opposing the appointment of Shri Gajendra Chauhan stating that he does not have the stature and qualifications. It is very strange that the Chairmen and Directors have to be appointed on the recommendations of the students. Very funny situation.
2. Students of 2008 batch have not completed their assignments so far which would have been over by 2011 or 2012 depending upon the course. It show how effective were previous chairman and may be director of FTII. They want similar capacity Chairman and not the one who ask them to perform.
3. The campus is infested with anti-social elements who have captured the hostel rooms and does not want to leave them. I had a experience to visit FTII on 26 Feb 2015. My first impression of the institute was that it should be closed forth with.
4. People might question my credentials to have such opinion but I can assure the people that I fairly know what is film making and how it is made. i have mad e short films, I know projection, I have the experience of running the cinemas and at the same time I have the experience of running educational institutions and the education itself.
5. My recommendation is that we must close FTII and the space available should be utilized to set up INDIAN INSTITUTE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY. Many students and State as well as nation will benefit.
Please share the post if agree with the views expressed.
Join/Support Sainik Samaj Party.

Balbir Singh Parmar

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Comprehensive National Defence Reforms


8.1. ENHANCE OPERATIONAL CAPABILITY OF INDIAN ARMED FORCES. The operational readiness of Indian Armed Forces will be enhanced. The Air-Land operational doctrine will be given top priority with Navy acquiring enhanced blue water capability. Indian Armed forces should be capable of taking up any assignment globally within 30 days of preparatory period. The defence budget will be enhanced substantially to meet the growing defence needs.
8.2. ASSURED SECOND CAREER TO ALL MEMBERS OF ARMED FORCES. There is no meaningful employment to ex-servicemen. A sizeable strength is absorbed as security guards which is a major humiliation to a soldier. A soldier cannot be equated with a security guard of a private company on a contractual basis. Some corporations created for facilitating the employment of ex-servicemen have in fact indulged in exploitation of these personnel and earning huge profits. The Armed Forces personnel on superannuation will be seconded to the Social Security and Census Service.
8.3. RIGHT TO RETIRE AT THE AGE OF 60 YEARS. 99% of Armed Forces personnel retire at very young age when their family and social needs are maximum. Being the citizen of the country, they also have the right for just and fair treatment. The officers and men will be given a second assured career option and retire at the age of sixty, like any other citizen. They will be seconded to Social Security Service.
8.4. PROVIDE BETTER PAY, WORK CONDITIONS, EQUIPMENT AND TRAINING TO SERVING PERSONNEL. Since the members of Armed and security forces cannot form the associations which can represent them, it is the duty of their near and dear ones to represent their case for better treatment by the state. The members of Armed Forces and security forces who are our children, brothers, sisters, husbands, fathers and mothers are paid less as compared to their civil counter parts taking into consideration the degree of difficulty, restriction of their fundamental rights, and promotional avenues. More emphasis will be paid to their equipment, training, living conditions, and entertainment facilities.
8.5. ENHANCEMENT OF X-FACTOR PAY (MSP). Provision of X-Factor Pay at the rate of 50% of basic pays of trained X group soldier and Lieutenant to OR & JCOs, and to officers up to the rank of Colonel and equivalents in Navy and Air Force respectively.
8.6. RENAMING OF MILITARY RANKS. All three services will have the same Rank nomenclature with few exceptions as may be felt necessary by individual service. Brigadier and equivalents in Navy and Air Force will be redesignated as Brigadier Generals and grouped with General Officers for all purposes. If need be Army and Air Force will have same Rank nomenclature.
8.7. CONSTITUTIONAL STATUS TO ARMED FORCES. As on date, Armed Forces do not have any constitutional status. The word Armed Forces is written at three places whereas the word defence forces are written at one place. Indian Administrative Service and Indian Police Service have been created under Article 312 of the constitution. There is no article which states that the Armed Forces are supposed to have been created under that article. There should be Armed Forces Service Act, specifying the terms and conditions of military service and rights and welfare entitlements of service personnel supported by the service rules. The passing reference to Armed Forces in constitution is demoralising and indicates willful neglect. All service personnel take oath to defend the constitution to the peril of his/her life but the longest written constitution has failed to spare a single article for constitutional status of its defenders.
8.8. ASSURED CAREER FOR SHORT SERVICE COMMISSIONED OFFICER. State will ensure an assured career for Short Service Commissioned Officer who are not given permanent commission in the Army. These officers will be permanently absorbed into "Defence Estate and Cantonment Service". Short Service Commissioned officer loosing seniority to the extent of six months will be abolished as it has no locus-standi.
8.9. 100% AUTHORISED FAMILY ACCOMODATION. Although the authorisation of family accommodation in services has increased to 35% from 14%, there wasn't enough family accommodation for 14%. There is urgent need to provide authorised accommodation to all ranks in all peace military stations.
8.10. ONE RANK ONE PENSION (OROP). One Rank One Pension (OROP) will be paid to all retired persons of armed forces. This concept will be implemented to civil pensioners as well. This OROP or SGSP (Same Grade Same Pension) has become necessary because of government inability to rein in inflation and thus reducing the pension of its former employees to reduce its pension bill. Since the senior employees of the government already get OROP/SGSP, who have denied the benefit to the other employees.
8.11. FORMATION OF DEFENCE CHILDREN PUBLIC SCHOOLS SOCIETY. Defence children public schools society will be formed under MoD for providing economical and quality education to the Army Children. The budget for running these schools will be paid out of Defence Services Estimate. The children of Para-military forces and CPFs will be eligible for education in these schools; however, pre-decided cost of education may be claimed or accounted towards Ministry of Home Affairs as the case may be. Currently the fees charged by Army Public Schools is much higher as compared to Kendriya Vidyalayas as Army schools pay their pay and allowances to teacher and other school expenditure out of fee charged from students/parents. Soldiers are made to pay more fees as compared to their other Union Govt employees.
8.12. IMPROVING THE REACH OF CSD CANTEENS AND ECHS FACILITIES. Majority of ex-servicemen live in rural areas. The CSD canteen facilities and ECHS services are inadequate. An all out effort will be made to improve and upgrade CSD Canteen facilities and ECHS services in rural areas throughout the length and breadth of country.
8.13. DEVELOPMENT OF CORPORATE DEFENCE SECTOR. There is an urgent need to develop corporate defence sector so that the dependence other countries is reduced for military hardware. No country can have an independent foreign policy without being self reliant in defence sector. Development of corporate sector in defence sector will not only make the nation more self reliant but will also help in bringing down inflation.
8.14. ENHANCED LIBRALISED PENSION PENSION TO THE DEPENDENTS OF MILITARY PERSONS WHO DIE IN LINE OF SERVICE. If service personnel die while in line of service, his/her dependent will be paid enhanced liberalized pension since the dependents cannot be given a job in lieu as in vogue in civil services. Enhanced liberalised pension to be suitably shared among all the dependents and securing the future of the spouse as well. Pensions in India cannot be the same as in western countries since the family structure in India is different.

Balbir Singh Parmar

Friday, 14 August 2015

The Soldiers and the Statesmen


1. My dear veterans of India. I empathies with you for your struggle for One Rank One Pension (OROP). I view it as a first step towards the Same Grade Same Pension (SGSP}. The people of this country has been taken for the ride by the so called bureaucrats of India, personified by likes of Shri Manmohan Singh who very faithfully implemented the dictates of IMF, World Bank and the Western Economic Thought.
2. It has been vigorously practiced that single digit inflation is good for developing countries. It meant that inflation upto 9% is good for the growth of developing countries. However, this was a good façade to siphon off India's wealth to foreign banks through the generation of black money.
3. 9% inflation in India mean 18% inflation because in India the inflation is calculated on wholesale price Index and not on consumer price index as there is no system of monitoring the consumer prices. It is free for all as to how much a vendor charges.
4. The method to generate the surplus wealth is through devaluation of currency since it does not have gold equivalent of the fiat money. This surplus wealth theoretically should have been used to develop the Infrastructure but it found its way to likes of Swiss banks thus depriving and cheating each and every citizen of the country.
5. All this has happened because there wasn't an honest and moral system in place to protect the interest of the citizens and in the bargain all citizens have lost their hard earned money to inflation and foreign Banks.
6. My appeal to Veterans is that you have protected this country from all calamities. The time has come to save the citizen from this loot through inflation and black money market. If you do not enter the political arena and protect the citizens from this loot, you will be counted as party who aided and abetted this loot.
7. The nation is looking towards you with great expectation that Veterans form up and lead this nation out of political morass. Thus join hands and form into political party and defeat these established players in their own games.
8. When I am writing this post the news of UFESM Pandal is being vandalized at Jantar Mantar is trickling in. We have to take such incidents into consideration. It is time we take decision to be political after we have hung our boots.
Bharatvarsh Ki Jai.

Balbir Singh Parmar

Thursday, 13 August 2015

What is Sainik Samaj Party

Sainik Samaj Party : Nation Wide Class Room

1. In this era of globalisation, the wars are being fought at your door-steps, living rooms, kitchens, and bed rooms rather than at the international borders. The battles are being waged in the fields of media, foods, education, cyberspace, industry, trade, agriculture, culture, language, religion, caste, ethnicity, information, belief system, and so on and so forth in such a systematic way that ordina...rily they look and sound very pleasing to your eyes and ears. The Armies will not grab the nations but the whole nation will be subjugated to the regime of Intellectual Property Rights; thus subordinating the very sovereignty of a nation. It is time we acknowledge these threats and remodel our society into a "SAINIK SAMAJ" so that every citizen becomes a "CITIZEN SOLDIER" or "CITIZEN WARRIOR" to face these real challenges.
2. The enemies with the help of their sympathisers will use all means to demoralise the Armed Forces of a nation and wait for oppotune moments to unleash the the proxy wars. Economic sanctions will be imposed directly or indirectly to weaken your economy. The fake currency will be introduced with the help of sleeper cells and agents to undermine the economy and increase dissatisfaction against the elected government. nation wage relentless wars to achieve their aims.
3. The enemy country/countries fund and form political parties to achieve their aim. To safeguard against such machination, there is a need to have a robust political system which is difficult to be twisted by enemies to their advantage..
4. SAINIK SAMAJ PARTY is the party of VETERANS and CITIZEN SOLDIERS who feels that we need to stand up to the challenges which we are facing in order to steer the Nation out of these tough times and be the world leader in true sense. We need to create a system which is robust and sensitive. We need a true democracy and not just a sham in the name of democracy. The SAINIK SAMAJ PARTY advocates PRESIDENTIAL DEMOCRACY in place of Parliamentary Democracy practiced at present. This Parliamentary Democracy is responsible for our 75% problem.
5. If you think you can contribute for this change, please do join or support the SSP in its endeavour to effect the change.

Balbir Singh Parmar

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

With malice towards all veterans who call themselves apolitical


1. Who are responsible for neglect of soldiers and the veterans over last 68 years of Independent India? Everyone will point the finger at Political Bosses and the Bureaucrats. But that is partly true.
2. The major blame must be apportioned to the veterans themselves. They have not been able to give themselves an identity. They were always busy calling themselves apolitical. Now this apolitical definition has done the irreparable harm to them. Politician and Bureaucrats coined the term apolitical for them and they bit this bullet. They sabotages the forces many ways but the elitist nature of the forces took it lying down. They did not care about the fighting soldiers to the extent that they ordered the likes of Army to fight 1962 Sino-Indian War/Conflict with 50 rounds of ammunition on weapon with no backup and taking position in High Altitude battle fields with summer clothing born on mainland. What a pathetic show..
3. Ladies and gentlemen, the armed forces can never be apolitical. Since military is the extension of politics. A Nation-State is driven by governments and the governments are driven by politics. Where politics fails the military steps in to stabilise the situation.
4. The armed forces of the state are NON-PARTISAN (not biased or partisan, especially towards any particular political group) but not apolitical. However, individual senior officer did had political Mai-Baap to protect their interests in successive promotions and thus developed partisan interests.
5. Needless to delve into the nitty-gritty of higher defence management, it will do lot better to veterans if they stop calling themselves APOLITICAL. Armed forces must be Multi-Partisan, taking orders from democratically elected government of the day. Every political party in the nation represents some section(s) of the society, and they are all honourable and respectable till the time they function under the parameters of Constitution of India democratically. However, the VETERANS or the ESM (popularly known as) community have to make choices whether they want to remain NON-PARTISAN after they hang their boots or want to actively delve in political field and take part in active politics.
6. Majority of Veterans on Social Media and email circuits keep quoting from US daily Lingua Franca about the praise showered on Veterans but they forget to appreciate that VETERANS in US donot call themselves APOLITICAL. They take active part in politics and shape the things for themselves.
7. I for one with my colleagues have decided to be political active and formed a political party by the name SAINIK SAMAJ PARTY. which means a party of CITIZEN SOLDIERS since this nation needs Discipline, Hard Work, Hard Decisions, Freedom from Sectarianism, and last but not the least a Strong and Stable political Governance System which represents majority of Indian and not just quarter of its population.
8. The day the veteran shed their APOLITICAL TAG, the things will start falling in place. Not Convinced? Just Try.

Balbir Singh Parmar