Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Conflict of Interests and Parliamentary (Indian) Democracy

1.    We the Indians very proudly boast of our largest democracy in the world but we hardly pay any attention to the quality of Democracy. In fact, if we apply the systems approach and evaluate the dynamics of our democracy, it will turn out that we the large majority are very close to insanity since  we are trying same things over and over again and expecting different results.
2.      Ours is a nation which proud itself in reading history rather than creating history. We abandon our thought process midway and rarely take it to the logical conclusions. May be we believe in hero worship and think that hero's can not make mistakes. Thus whatever has been given to us by the makers of constitution is the last word on earth. May be that is the reason we don't want to change/improve or may be that our collective intellects suffers from intellectual Amnesia and thus does not want to tread the forbidden territory.
3.   Whatever it may be, the nation has reached another low with rampant corruption, poverty, nepotism, bad law and order situation, inflation, no accountability, etc, etc....  What are we waiting for? Lord ishnu to descend in his KALKI AVATAR and sort out the things for us or is it that US, Russia, China, Britain or France will come and sort out our problems?
4.   What is the reason that despite being good human being individually we are a total failure as a nation. We are just sticking together for the fear of apraisals and the military might which may gradually erode ad it has happened with many civilisations including the British Empire.
5.   Let us take a closer look as to what ails our democracy?
6.    If I were to summarise the reasons for what ails our democracy in one phrase, I would say it is CONFLICT OF INTERESTS. We all are aware as to what is conflict of intetests. Recently, media and opposition played big roll in highlighting the conflict of interests in the case of Mrs Shushma Swaraj and Mrs Vasundhra Raje Scindia.
7.   As we know a government of a nation state has three wings which we popularly call three pillars of democracy viz; Legislature, Executive, and Judiciary. In our popular parlance we can compare them to Brahma (Legislature), Vishnu (Executive),and Mahesh (Judiciary). Our forefathers in their wisdom kept three wings independent so that this shrishti could be governed well. Janata being the Parmeshwar our democracy should have three wings independent and not encroaching upon others territory. But in Indian democracy this principle is violated. Here same set of people are sitting in Parliament and same are occupying the chairs of power in Executive thus giving rise to CONFLICT OF INTERESTS. Also, this so called government controls the appointment of judges. The parliament becomes subservient to the "so called government" (a colonial legacy to call executive a government in commonwralth countries). And we know who is the government in real sense? Laws are made in Executive Ministry, approved in cabinet with ministers looking over shoulders towards their secretaries and brought to parliament just for thumping of desks.
8.   Media is agog these days saying that M K Gandhi was against majoritarianism. Nothing could be farther from truth than this assumption. On one side he gave his sanction for parliamentary democracy which is nothing but a majoritarian system of governance and on other to claim that K Gandhi was against majoritarianism. Parliamentary Democracy is the finest example of majoritarianism.
9.   This conflict of interest between the the Parliament and the so called Government is the root cause of our problems and will continue to ail our democracy. What we need is total separation of Legislature from Executive. This separation is not possible in Parliamentary Democracy as majoritarianism in lower house gives sanction to form the government. It is only in Presidential Democracy that Legislature and Executive is separated effectively. In this case the parliament truely becomes JAN LOKPAL. Make laws and supervise executive such that it implements the laws properly.
10.   That is why SAINIK SAMAJ PARTY advocates Presidential Democracy. Let us all work for credible change.
Balbir Singh Parmar

Monday, 5 October 2015

The Soldiers and The Statesmen - Balbir Singh Parmar

1.   OROP has caught the imagination of the Nation. But many people are unaware of what OROP means? It has different connotations for different people.
2.   But what does ESMs themselves think about OROP. ESMs today are divided in five main groups.
3.   First  group is with BJP which do want OROP but they do not want to embarras the PM and his administration and thus are quiet and not participating in the demonstrations.
4.   Second group is pro INC which has become very vocal and wants no stone unturned to embarrass PM Narendra Modi and are also targetting people like Gen V K Singh, Col Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore. Fortunately, Col Sona Ram, MP from Barmer had successfully avoided the spotlight.
5.  Third group is pro Third Parties. This group is smaller in Number and is active ocassionally on need basis.
6.    Fourth group is independent thoughts groups trying to do spmething different.
7.   And fifth group is couldn't care group. Jo sab nu milu, sahannu bhi milu syndrome aflicted.
8.   We all have political affiliation but happy to call ourselves apolitical. We are ahead of politician who we ridicule at the drop of hat.
9.   While in dervice we were non-partisan but we called ourselves apolitical. This terminology wad given by British as we Indians had no political rights and were not part of 3% or 14% voters population.
10.   The Nation-State is a political organism and Armed Forces are the instrument of state. How come the contituent of a polical entity be apolitical?
11.   The Veterans' 50% problems will evaporate the day they shed this apolitical tag. Today we are busy quoting how veterans are honoured in US. Let me remind you the old dictum which we followed while we were in service. RESPECT CAN NOT BE DEMANDED IT IS ALWAYS COMMANDED. If we want respect after we retire, we have to earn it by being socially relevant as a group. And the only field we can excel as a group is the political domain which these days is dominated by not so honourable people. That is our first right as we have given our blood and sweat. We have given our youth. We have taken oath to defend the constitution at the beginning of military career. Have we forgotten that? One of the function of defence it is to operationalise it in true spirit.
12.   There is need to change the mind set from apolitical to THE SOLDIERS AND THE STATESMEN. Rest of things will fall on line. The whole nation is waiting for you to lead.

Balbir Singh Parmar

Padaiveerar Paasarai - Lt Col CR Sundar


          We last met at Chepauk, Chennai, in September 2015 to conduct the most successful Veterans’ Protest for OROP in the State.
          While this is intended as a thank you note for your earnest enthusiasm and dedication to the cause of ESM it is also a call for greater sacrifices for the same purpose. Needless to say that we will find our next event as satisfying and uplifting as did the Chepauk meeting.
          As you are aware Maj Gen Satbir Singh, SM is the undisputed leader of veterans of armed forces who has been relentlessly leading the actions demanding OROP for the last nine years. A large number of veterans of Southern States wanted that Gen Satbir should be requested to guide us. Therefore I made bold to invite him.
          He has most kindly and graciously accepted our invitation and has given us a date, Sunday, 29 November 2015, when he will be with us.
          He will be accompanied by Gp Capt VK Gandhi, the General Secretary of IESM and Lt Col Balbir Singh Parmar, the Founder National President of Sainik Samaj Party.
          It is imperative that we should make the visit a resounding success. With that in mind we will soon be getting together to discuss and decide responsibilities.
          Meanwhile I request you to give the event the widest possible publicity to your friends in all the States of South India through email, whatsapp, Facebook, twitter, linkedin, blogs and every method possible including articles in the print media and appearances on radio and TV.
Please view the following videos.
Lt Col CR Sundar,
Sainik Samaj Party,
United Veterans of South India